Argyll and the Isles Mini Tourism Summit

Posted in: Conference

Date and Time


The Tower Digital Arts Centre
83 Sinclair Street, Helensburgh,
G84 8TR
Book Now

Sign up for our mini summit event for Loch Lomond, Helensburgh and Clyde Sea Lochs and help define local priority activity and explore new ways of working together.

We want to know what you consider to be the defining qualities of your area as distinct from other areas of Argyll and the Isles, and also what unites the region.

The mini summit will explore a range of topics, encouraging open discussion and seeking to set a new sense of ambition.

The output from each mini summit will be a local action plan for the period 2018-2020.

Each summit will take place over a half day during which there will be important updates on new and exciting activity in each area and also the opportunity to explore some of the issues your area is facing and work to identify some solutions and ways forward.

These events are free and open to anyone involved in tourism.

Lunch is being provided so to help with catering, places must be booked in advance.

Register your place via the Eventbrite link in the panel above.