Marine Tourism Conference 2018

Posted in: Conference

Date and Time


Lodge on Loch Lomond Hotel
Luss, Loch Lomond,
G83 8PA
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Following the postponement of our event in February due to the "beast from the east" we are delighted to host our flagship Marine Tourism Conference on Wednesday 16 May 2018 at the Lodge on Loch Lomond Hotel, Luss.  This event is suitable for anyone working within the tourism and hospitality industry who would like to find out more about the Marine Tourism market and begin to consider how we can attract more visitors to participate in water-based activities, sailing and attract cruise ship passengers.  Marine Tourism does not just focus on the water-based activity but for other tourism activity in and around the destination.  By working together, opportunities can be developed for accommodation providers, visitor attractions, food & drink, retail and transport providers. 

This event will look at the area’s regional advantages, within a wider Scottish context, and get businesses and operators thinking about products and services to enhance the visitor experience. Delegates will hear from people directly engaged in marine and coastal tourism development, including infrastructure projects, business engagement, visitor management and cruise markets.  A starting point for us to learn and consider what opportunities we can develop in the lead up to 2020 Year of Coast and Waters.



09.30 – 10.00     Tea/Coffee and Registration

10.00 – 10.15     Introduction – David Adams McGilp, VisitScotland

10.15 – 10.45     Scotland Case Study – Fergus Murray, Argyll & Bute Council

10.45 - 11.15      Asset Management - Richard Millar, Scottish Canals

11.15 - 11.45      Break

11.45 - 12.15     West Coast Marine Tourism Collaboration Update - Iain Jurgensen, Portavadie/Argyll & The Isles Tourism Cooperative and Michelle Hilder, Strontian Hotel and West Coast Marine Tourism Collaboration

12.15 - 12.45     Sector Marketing - Daniel Steel, Sail Scotland

12.45 - 13.45      Lunch

13.45 - 15.15     Strategic Context - Rhona Fairgrieve, Scottish Coastal Forum

                              (including Marine Planning Exercise)

15.15 – 15.45     Next Steps - Richard Walsh, Scottish Government

15.45 – 16.00     Discussion Session and Closing Remarks



16.15 - 17.30     West Coast Marine Tourism Collaboration (WCMTC) -  As part of the WCMTC project, this workshop invites participants to explore ways in which tourism products can be further developed in the Lomond & Clyde Sea Lochs area ahead of Scotland's Year of Coasts and Water in 2020.

Businesses will also have the opportunity to exhibit.

Full delegate information and conference registration will be available shortly.

For more information please contact